By Dean Goodwin, Ph.D.
Illustrations By Joe Lee
Environmental Science
ISBN-13: 978-1-939994-43-1
Price: US $15.95
6x9, 160 pp
eBook ISBN: 9781939994691
eBook Price: US $15.95
March 2016
B/W Illustrations
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The evidence continues to mount: Climate change is for real! But what does it all really mean, and what can we do about it? In this concise, highly readable narrative, a leading environmental scientist and educator takes a scrupulously balanced approach to explaining the history of global climate monitoring and change. Here are the who’s, how’s, what’s, when’s, where’s and why’s of the interaction between human activity and recent trends in the Earth’s climate.
Climate Change For Beginners is organized in five compelling sections:
An Introduction
The Cause
The Consequences
The Solutions
What Steps Can I Take?
Working from the premise that no one can do everything but everyone can do something, Dean Goodwin challenges readers with experiments they can conduct on their own to better understand the science underlying the problems facing our planet; he concludes with a list of 50 easy actions people can take to start doing their part in the effort to slow or stop climate change.
Dean Goodwin, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the Center for Inquiry-Based Education and an environmental science and science instructor at The Tatnall School in Wilmington, Delaware. He is a nationally recognized environmental educator with an honors degree in biochemistry, a postgraduate certificate in science education, and a Ph.D. in mechanistic organic photochemistry. Dr. Goodwin has more than 25 years of teaching experience at both the college and secondary levels.
Joe Lee is an illustrator, cartoonist, writer, and clown. With a degree from Indiana University centering on Medieval History, Joe is also a graduate of Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey’s Clown College. He worked for some years as a circus clown. He is the illustrator of a baker’s dozen of For Beginners books, including Barack Obama For Beginners, [Howard] Zinn For Beginners, Shakespeare For Beginners, Postmodernism For Beginners, Deconstruction For Beginners, Eastern Philosophy For Beginners, Dante For Beginners, Dada & Surrealism For Beginners, Jane Austen For Beginners and Climate Change For Beginners among others. Joe lives in Bloomington, Indiana with his wife Mary Bess, son Brandon, cat George, and the terriers (or rather terrors) Max and Jack.